Thursday, January 17, 2008

What is this and who am I?

To address the first question first, as is only logical: This page is dedicated to Boston Globe columnist Dan "Shank" Shaughnessy. Why such a site exists shall become abundantly clear in the coming days, as Mr. Shaughnessy's columns, to be examined in this space, make it clear he must be stopped at all costs. (Please note: Shank Shank does not condone the use of shanks, shivs, chibs, knives, or other sharp weapons against Mr. Shaughnessy. Indeed, Shank Shank does not condone the use of violence against Mr. Shaughnessy, his co-workers at the Globe, his fellow journalists elsewhere, or anyone at all, for that matter. The pen is mightier than the sword.)

So: who am I? Only an internet blogger dedicated to bringing down Mr. Shaughnessy, and (if I have the time) exposing incompetence at the Boston Globe and other media institutions. Some may argue, not without some merit, that it is unfair of me to hide behind a clever "handle" and take potshots at a man I have never met. To this I reply: Mr. Shaughnessy is handsomely compensated for his writing. As such, it is only fair that he be asked to attach his name to his work. I, meanwhile, am not compensated for my writing, and choose to post my opinions anonymously until such a time as I am handsomely compensated for my work. (Who knows, perhaps I'll sell ads to this site one day. A guy can dream, can't he?) Additionally, given Mr. Shaughnessy's noted temper and hatred of bloggers, I feel it is best for the safety of myself and my family to hide behind the wall of secrecy the internet provides.

This post would not be complete without a thank you to some of the people and places who made this possible. To Big Daddy Drew, inspiration both my name and writing, and to all the crew at KSK, thank you. Philip Rivers is a giant bag of douche, Jerry Jones is fuckin' crazy, and Tom Brady is not retiring any time soon. To Ken Tremendous and his friends at FJM, who showed me you can make a website--if not a living--out of picking on a single unpopular media personality, thank you. David Eckstein, Juan Pierre, and Darin Erstad do suck, Alex Rodriguez does not (on the field, anyway), and Jack Morris has no business near the Hall of Fame. And everyone else, from Will to Postman E, from Captain Caveman to Bethlehem Shoals, from Cousins of Ron Mexico to El Presidente, you all make the blogosphere a great place to be. Thank you. Now if you can come up with a better name than "blogosphere", we'll be all set...

In conclusion, Shank Shank.

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